Thank You BiggerPockets

The end of the year is always an interesting time because I believe it gives us opportunity to reflect upon the impact we’ve had, and the goals we’ve accomplished. There’s nothing like a year where you get a lot done; I like the end of the year because it also gives me a chance to see where I’ve fallen short, so I can work harder the following year.

I use those little failures to inspire me to work harder and to grind more, in much the same way that I use the negative energy from the naysayers to push me to prove them wrong.

Influencing Millions of Investors and Would-Be Investors

Not a week goes by that I don’t hear from our users about how BiggerPockets has affected their lives in a positive way.

Some use the site to save money, others to get help analyzing deals, while many use it to network, to find partners and to do business.

In the end, these people are all using it for the same reason — to improve their financial well-being.

I am proud to tell you that over 5,000,000 people came through the walls of the BiggerPockets sphere in 2013, and we’ve affected the financial well-being of a good number of those folks.

Here are some basic numbers to think about . . .

  • 5,000,000 unique visitors in 2013
  • 150,000+ members
  • 687,652 total BP forum posts
  • 4,842 articles on the BiggerPockets Blog
  • 3,425 registered companies
  • and there’s more.

The measurable numbers and analytics are impressive in their own right, but there’s more to the story.


In 2013 we launched the BiggerPockets Podcast, now the top rated real estate show on iTunes. We’ve produced 50 episodes, which reach on average over 16,500 listeners per show, and we’re regularly amongst the top investing and business podcasts out there.

We’ve interviewed many amazing investors — both novice and …read more