Mid Year Goals

Wow…can you believe more than half of the year has come and gone already? It always amazes me how quickly time passes when you are having fun. We all know that in order for us to keep moving in the right direction in achieving our goals, whether personal or investing related, we must be able to take time to measure our performances against our expectations and goals. With only a few months left until the end the year, what better time than now to reflect back on where we are, where we want to be, and celebrate our accomplishments!

Real Estate Evaluation

The first step in measuring where we are against where we want to be is to take a look back at what our goals were at the start of the year. Hopefully you had clear and measurable goals documented at the beginning of the year that you can now compare to. The next step is simply to look at what you have accomplished so far to determine if you are on track to meet your goals for 2013. Some items that are easily measurable are: number of properties you intended on purchasing, number of deals you intended to participate in, or maybe the type of deals you planned on doing. If your goal in 2013 was to acquire two new investment properties, you can easily know whether you have achieved your goal yet.

Up-to-Date Financial Information

Other goals may be a bit more time intensive to measure. For example, maybe one of your investing goals in 2013 was to increase your monthly rental income. In order for you to know your progress, you must first know how much income you are taking in every month after all bills are paid. If you have accurate and up to date financial information, then this …read more