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365 Fun Things To Do In Puerto Vallarta

Picking Colors For Your Home Decor

Ready to paint? A little color psychology may be just what you need to create soothing and productive moods. Here Veronica Smith, writer in, presents us a room-by-room rundown of the colors believed to work best in each of the most important rooms of your home, and the moods they create. While there probably…

Post-Recession Real Estate Terms, Explained

Real estate ads are filled with code. Have you ever stumbled across a “cute house” with “good bones,” a “newly remodeled kitchen,” or a “partial lake/mountain view”? Recession brought a whole lot of new lingo to Real Estate that few people knows their meaning. This article by  Tara-Nicholle Nelson in reveals the meaning of…

How To Feng Shui Your Bedroom

You’ve probably heard of feng shui before. But I’m guessing there’s a good chance, that while intriguing, it’s always seemed a little too complicated to pay much attention to, right? You’re not alone. So what’s the feng shui hype all about? Based on ancient Eastern philosophies, feng shui is a series of guidelines intended to…

Ways You Can Improve Your Home Appraisal

Home appraisals determine the market value of your home.  A home appraisal is one of the most important aspects of selling your home. The value determined in the appraisal can sometimes make or break your ability to get maximum value out of your home on the open market. If you’re selling your home, getting a…

Upgrade Appraisal – Avaluo De Mejoras

Everyone selling real estate in México is subject to Impuesto Sobre la Renta ISR (Income Tax) also known as Capital Gains Tax. The Notario Publico in charge of the purchase/sale transaction is the one responsible to calculate and report the gain and the tax generated from it to SAT  “Sistema de Administracion Tributaria” (IRS). The…